Jack (Enjie) Ma

Jack (Enjie) Ma

PhD Candidate in Economics

Cornell University


Hi! My name is Jack Ma. I am a fifth-year Economics PhD Candidate at the Department Of Economics, Cornell University .

I am an environmental economist and I study the economic consequences of Climate Change.

My recent research focus on the aggregate consequences of Climate Change through its impact on productivity, industry dynamics, and technological change. I work closely with Production Function Estimation, studying how productivity, factor intensity, and market power interact with Climate Change.


  • Environmental Economics
  • Productivity
  • Firm Dynamics
  • Technological Change and Innovation


  • PhD in Economics, 2020-2026 (Expected)

    Cornell University

  • BS in Economics and Statistics, 2016-2020

    University of California, Los Angeles

Work in progress

Climate Change and Market Power

with Shanjun Li, Ivan Rudik, and Hui Zhou

Draft Coming Soon!


Econ 1110: Introductory Microeconomics (Prof. Nick Sanders)

TA: Fall 2021 (4.5/5), Fall 2022 (4.4/5)

Econ 3040: Intermediate Macroeconomics (Prof. Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel)

TA: Spring 2022 (4.5/5), Spring 2023 (4.8/5)
